Hudson Assessments

Prepare for your next Hudson test with tailor-made practice materials.

What are Hudson Tests?

Hudson is a leading talent provider that has been offering solutions for permanent and contract recruitment including candidate profiling and assessments for more than 30 years.

The Hudson test is an online battery of psychometric and aptitude tests that are used in a variety of industries, testing candidates using standardised tests that assess the fit of a candidate for a particular role, and for the organisation as a whole.

Hudson Tests have different levels of difficulty, based on seniority of the role, including Administrative & Blue Collar Workers, Junior Managers, and Middle/Senior Managers. Hudson Tests are used throughout medical, financial and government recruitment processes - perhaps most famously with VISA.

Typically, Hudson Tests are administered via an email link, so candidates can take them at home in their own time, with results that allow the recruitment team to make the right decision of who to take forward in the recruitment process, and make better decisions based on aptitudes and inherent skills.

What are the Different Types of Hudson Tests?

There are several different tests available in the Hudson test battery, and not all roles will use all test types.

The reasoning assessments, verbal, numerical and abstract, are separated further by the level of seniority that the job is aimed for - although the basic structure and type of question asked is the same no matter how senior the role.

Verbal Reasoning Test

The Verbal Reasoning Test assesses the way you think about written information by presenting a passage of text and asking a question about it.

To answer the question, you need to be able to quickly read, understand and analyse the passage of text, which is often written in professional language and describes something business-related.

The question will be based on information that can be found in the text, with no previous knowledge needed, and you will need to choose the correct answer from the multiple-choice answers provided.

There are three possible Verbal Reasoning tests that you could take, depending on the type of role that you have applied for:

  • Administration & Blue Collar (Level 1) - Set 1 or 2
  • Middle/Senior Manager (Level 3)

The test is not timed as a whole, but you have 90 seconds to answer each question.


Numerical Reasoning Test

The Numerical Reasoning Test is not a maths test, but it is an assessment of your ability to apply mathematical concepts to find the right answer.

You will be provided with some information in the form of numerical data in graphs or tables, usually related to the business you have applied for. This might include financial information like currency conversions, or more general concepts.

Each graph or table will have a question relating to it, and you will need to complete some basic operations to find the answer, using addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction as well as principles like ratios and percentages. You may use a calculator to complete this test if you need to.

As with the verbal reasoning, each question is timed at 90 seconds, with no overall time limit for the test. There are two versions of this test, Level 1 (Administration & Blue Collar), and Level 3 (Middle/Senior Management).

Abstract Reasoning Test

As a measure of logical thinking, the Abstract Reasoning Test is designed to assess the way you solve problems using unfamiliar information.

You will be provided with a series of images or shapes, and need to use logical thinking to find the pattern that governs the sequence so you can complete it. You can use a scrap piece of paper and a pen or pencil to help.

The ability to identify trends and patterns is a good indicator of fluid intelligence, and that means that you are likely to come across the Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test if you are applying for roles that require lateral thinking and problem solving.

Each pattern offers multiple choice answers, and you need to quickly find the right rule to choose the answer from the multiple choice answers. There are two tests, for management levels only - Level 2 which is for Junior Managers, and Level 3 which is for Middle/Senior Managers. Each question is timed at 90 seconds.

Hudson Business Attitudes Questionnaire

This questionnaire is a self-assessment that is used to test personality, based on what is known as the Big 5 Factors. These are:

  • Extraversion
  • Openness
  • Altruism
  • Emotional Stability
  • Conscientiousness

This untimed questionnaire asks you to rank how much you agree with different statements as they are presented, and there are no right or wrong answers. However, it is worth remembering that the recruiters are looking for specific personality traits and competencies when you are taking the tests, so bear that in mind.

You need to be honest when you rank the statements, based on how you feel they describe you and your behaviour at work - it is usually best practice to go with your first instinct when answering, rather than trying to decide what the 'perfect' response will be. This makes sure that your answers are a true reflection of you - which not only demonstrates your suitability for the role, but also shows how you will fit into the company as a whole.

The way you answer these questions creates a report based on 25 different dimensions of personality, used to gauge your working behaviour, business attitudes and cultural fit.

How Can I Prepare for My Hudson Assessment?


When you are facing the pre-employment testing process, practice makes perfect. Practicing Hudson Tests will ensure that you recognise the way the questions are written, how best to answer them, and the structure of the test so that you feel more familiar with it.

Practicing will help you highlight the areas that you need to work on - so that you can improve your score in the real thing.

Work on the hard things

It is normal to find certain parts of the assessment harder than others, and through your practice tests, you will be able to find where you struggle.

The hard areas are where your focus should be to revise, whether that means checking your understanding of math operations or reading more to widen your vocabulary.

Time is of the essence

When each question in the Hudson Test is timed, it is really important that you practice answering questions under exam conditions. You will have 90 seconds per question - which is not a lot - so working fast is important.

Speed and accuracy need to work hand in hand for you to achieve the best results

Be prepared

You will perform at your best if you look after the needs of your body and brain - which means that in the lead up to the assessment you should make sure that you have adequate sleep, and on the day have a good meal and stay hydrated.

Nerves are normal, but fuelling your body in the right way will help.

Read the instructions carefully

Take the time to read the instructions for each test carefully, so you know how you need to answer the questions. Your practice will also help here, as you will recognise the structure and layout of the questions.

This will help you get in the right frame of mind for the assessment, and give you some space to be able to calm any nerves that you have.

Sample Hudson Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

An individual believes that making decisions based on intuition is just as valid as making decisions based on factual data. This belief exemplifies what type of reasoning?

  • Deductive reasoning
  • Inductive reasoning
  • Abstract reasoning
  • Concrete reasoning

In a study of employee productivity, researchers found that providing ergonomic furniture resulted in a 5% decrease in absenteeism. What conclusion can be drawn from this finding?

  • Ergonomic furniture causes employees to be absent less frequently.
  • Ergonomic furniture has no impact on employee absenteeism.
  • Absenteeism can be reduced by increasing workload.
  • Employees prefer non-ergonomic furniture.

If a company increases the price of their product by 5% and the demand decreases by 10%, what is most likely to happen to the company's revenue from that product?

  • The revenue will increase.
  • The revenue will decrease.
  • The revenue will stay the same.
  • The revenue will double.

During a team meeting, a manager uses an analogy comparing a business to a beehive. What might the manager be attempting to convey with this analogy?

  • Focus on individual achievements.
  • The importance of teamwork and structured processes.
  • The need for organizational hierarchy.
  • The sweetness of a company’s products.

What is the value of X if 4X - (3X/2) = 6?

  • X = 8
  • X = 6
  • X = 4
  • X = 3

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I knew I was going to be assessed for my suitability for specific post in the army. Military Aptitude Tests provided me with the confidence and foundational skills I needed.

Tom prepared for his next move within the army using Military Aptitude Tests.


Hudson Assessments Tips

Familiarize Yourself with Hudson

Before you dive into practice tests, take a moment to understand what Hudson has been about for over 30 years. They're known for crafting assessments that focus on a candidate's fit for the role, alongside specialized profiling. By understanding their philosophy, you'll go into your practice exams with a sharp eye on what traits and skills you might need to demonstrate. Get to know the types of tests they provide and the competencies they measure. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to tackle the real thing.

Simulate the Test Environment

To get the most out of your practice sessions on Military Aptitude Tests, recreate the testing conditions you would experience during the actual assessment. Find a quiet space, set a timer, and remove all distractions. This will help you focus and manage your time effectively, just as if you were sitting the real Hudson test. Familiarity with the test format and environment can greatly reduce anxiety and improve your performance on test day.

Review the Basics

While Hudson tests are undoubtedly sophisticated, never underestimate the power of brushing up on the basics. Many standardized tests cover core skills like verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and problem-solving. By sharpening these fundamental skills, you'll lay a strong foundation for tackling more complex questions. Use the resources available on Military Aptitude Tests to revisit these essential topics and build your confidence.

Analyze Your Practice Results

After each practice test session, take the time to carefully review your answers. This isn't just about tallying up scores; it's about identifying patterns in the types of questions you're getting right or wrong. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can tailor your study plan to focus on the areas that need the most improvement. Reflecting on your practice results is a critical step to ensure continuous progress.

Stay Calm and Take Breaks

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when preparing for high-stakes tests like those provided by Hudson. Remember to pace yourself and incorporate short breaks into your study regimen. This strategy helps to prevent burnout and keeps your mind fresh. Plus, stepping back occasionally can give you new perspectives on difficult problems. Maintain a positive attitude, and don't let stress take the wheel. Keep calm, and you’ll be in a better state of mind to retain information and apply it during your practice tests and the real exam.

Level up

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Pay Annually
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  • 12 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 65 Employer packages
  • 16 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Hudson Assessments FAQs

Are Hudson tests hard?

The content of each type of Hudson Test can be challenging, but the real difficulty for many candidates is the tight time limits and working under pressure.

Typically, questions can be answered by anyone who has completed education, but when faced with exam conditions some of these questions can feel much more difficult.

How long are Hudson tests?

The reasoning tests in the Hudson battery are not timed as a whole, but each question has a 90 second window.

The Business Attitudes Questionnaire is untimed.

How are Hudson tests scored?

When you complete the psychometric Hudson Tests, your prospective employer will receive a report that presents a candidate level, with three subsections that reflect your working styles and strengths.

The Business Attitudes Questionnaire creates a personalised report that is based on the Big 5 qualities, which is compared against an ideal candidate profile that the employer will have created.

What do I need to complete my Hudson test?

As the Hudson Tests are taken online, you need to ensure that you have a stable internet connection, a quiet place to work where you won't be disturbed, and enough time.

You can also use a calculator for the Numerical Reasoning Test, and you might want to have a pen and paper to make notes in the other assessments, too.